Upcoming Virtual Event: Policing and Racism in America
Upcoming Virtual Event: Policing and Racism in America
Monday, June 8, 2020
4:00 pm – 5:30 pm
ZOOM link will be provided after registration – you can register using the link at the bottom of this page.
Moderator: Rashawn Ray, Sociology
Opening Remarks: Dean Greg Ball
Reflections from the Bahai Chair for World Peace: Hoda Mahmoudi
Faculty and Staff Charge: Assistant Dean Kim Nickerson
Antoine Banks, Government and Politics
Kanisha Bond, Government and Politics
Dawn Dow, Sociology
Sharon Harley, African American Studies
Jason Nichols, African American Studies
Joseph Richardson, African American Studies
Blacks are 3.5 times more likely to be killed by police when they are not attacking or have a weapon. As the world deals with a global pandemic, Black Americans continue to deal with the endemic within the pandemic-structural racism and police violence. This panel will showcase research on racism, policing, criminal justice, politics, and activism as faculty reflect on a watershed moment in America.
Cost: FREE
RSVP by 6/7/2020
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