Thank you
We at The Bahá'í Chair for World Peace feel a deep sense of gratitude for the sacrifices made by friends, family, and loved ones who walked with us during the duration of this project. Of course, mentioning everyone by name who helped with the African American Legacies project – both directly and indirectly– would be impossible.
There are however, a few names which must be mentioned. They include:
Malik Wilson, our Baha’i Chair Faculty Fellow who envisioned the project. Dr. Ernest Wilson, who provided the spark that initiated the project. And of course, Dr. Francille Wilson, who shepherded the project along.
Dr. Kate Seaman was instrumental in behind-the-scenes planning, scheduling, and troubleshooting.
Mr. Hamid Mozaffari was invaluable as the Los Angeles videographer and overall video editor.
Mr. Damien Coor, cinematographer, helmed the Washington, D.C. interviews, along with production assistant Mr. Sulaiman Bastien.
Mr. Brandon Turner delivered vital color editing and helped with other video design issues.
Ms. Lori Evelyn Allan, graphic designer, created the brochures for the project and assisted in post-production. She, and our former Baha’i Chair intern Emily Gorey also planned and designed this website. Their vision and creativity in the design of the website is profoundly appreciated.
Ms. Stella Hudson and Ms. Meredith Friedland provided much-needed technical support.
And of course, we would be remiss if we did not acknowledge our 24 interviewees, whose stories paint a remarkable portrait of American life. Their willingness to share their histories has enriched us beyond measure.

With special thanks to The Abdolhossein and Guitty Ejtemai Foundation