Introducing our new Social Media and Marketing Intern: Kai-Lin Yu

Kai-Lin Yu is a sophomore at The University of Maryland pursuing a double major in Marketing & Operations Management and Business Analytics along with a minor in Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

She is making her mark on the University of Maryland by being an active member of clubs and organizations such as the University Honors Student Life Council and the Smith Undergraduate Student Association’s marketing committee. In her free time Kai-Lin enjoys spending time with friends, listening to music and shopping. She also loves baking and has a baking business of her own.

She heard about the social media intern position from a professor in the Robert H.Smith School of Business and was eager to apply. Kai-Lin resonated with The Bahá’í Chair because of the values she has for promoting peace. She aspires to contribute to, and address the issues that affect communities around the world while learning from dedicated individuals about global concerns.

As a member of the Bahá’í Chair she hopes to be of influence by effectively growing the social media platform and gaining insights into marketing analytic tools to improve understanding of audience behavior. Her personal goals are to master marketing tools, gain time management skills and build relationships with co-workers. She is excited to dive into this experience and be an advocate for change.


Introducing our new Research Intern: Nina-Abbie Omatsola


Upcoming Event: A Conversation on Perspectives on Race, Racism, Anti-colonialism and Decolonization in the Global Context