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My Second Semester with the Chair

I can't believe another semester has come and gone. I have been with the Chair a year and have settled into our office. This semester, I hit the sweet spot of feeling comfortable but still challenged and excited. Each week with the chair brings opportunities for exposure to new ideas, new intellectual discussions and writing, and new ways to use my mind and library education in diverse ways. 

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Edited Volume Read Along - Contemplation, Coda, Conclusion

If you have been following along with me, we have reached the fourth and final part. In this section, titled “Coda,” Michael H. Allen, Kate Seaman, and Hoda Mahmoudi introduce us to the ideas of the Coda in “Coda Introduction: Pushing Toward the Future.” They note the wide distance we have traveled throughout this book and the diversity and range of perspectives and topics we have encountered. They begin with a simple yet powerful statement no reader could disagree with after reading this volume “complexity can be overwhelming,” (Allen et. al., 2022, p. 293). It’s true that so much of understanding the challenges we face, especially on such a large scale, can be daunting. I have attempted to convey my thoughts and processes as I grappled with the big questions and subjects presented over the course of my reading. Here is validation that the authors also know that these topics require contemplation, questioning, and processing and are not easy to clearly define nor dissect.

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