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What thwarts and enables feminist activism around the world?


Feminist activism is necessary for gender equality. By challenging patriarchal practices and galvanising wider resistance, women’s movements have secured greater rights and freedoms. Concerted progress has been made in Latin America. Women’s movements have pioneered gender quotas, stronger protections for domestic workers, and ginormous rallies against gender-based violence. Their success stems from women coming out into the public sphere, seizing the benefits of economic development,  urbanisation, and democratisation. However, they face  face uphill battles: low state capacity in Africa; female seclusion in South Asia; powerful religious authorities across the Middle East; and authoritarianism in China. If these obstacles are not overcome, inequalities will persist.



Lecturer, King’s College London

Alice Evans is a Lecturer in International Development at King’s College London and a Faculty Associate at the Center for International Development in Harvard’s Kennedy School. She has published many articles in top-tier journals, including World Development, Socio-Economic Review, Review of International Political Economy, the Annals of the Association of American Geographers, Health Economics, and Gender & Society. She also interviews academic experts on growth, governance, and gender in her podcast, Rocking Our Priors. Engage with her on Twitter @_alice_evans.


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